Electronic reprints (selection)



·        Straumann D (1991) Off-line computing of slow-phase velocity profiles evoked by velocity steps or caloric stimulation. Int J Biomed Comput 29: 61-65

·        Straumann D, Haslwanter T, Hepp-Reymond MC, Hepp K (1991) Listing's law for eye, head and arm movements and their synergistic control. Exp Brain Res 86: 209-215


·        Straumann D, Suzuki M, Henn V, Hess BJM, Haslwanter T (1992) Visual suppression of torsional vestibular nystagmus in rhesus monkeys. Vision Res 32:1067-1074

·        Straumann D, Henn V (1992) Open-loop syndrome: one plegic and one amaurotic eye. Clin Vision Sci 7: 129-132

·        Haslwanter T, Straumann D, Hess BJM, Henn V (1992) Static roll and pitch positions shift and rotate Listing's plane in the monkey. Vision Res 32: 1341-1348


·        Straumann D, Hess Ch, Schubiger O (1993) Ein Fall aus der Praxis (266). Binswanger Encephalopathie. Schweiz Rundsch Med Prax. 82: 331-332

·        Henn V, Straumann D, Suzuki Y (1993) Generation of rapid eye movements in 3 dimensions. Biomed Res 14 (Suppl 1): 67-69


·        Straumann D, Müller E (1994) Torsional rebound nystagmus in a patient with type I Chiari malformation. Neuroophthalmology 14: 79-84

·        Straumann D, Müller E (1994) Is Listing's law preserved in the vertical fusional reflex? In: Contemporary Ocular Motor and Vestibular Research: a Tribute to David A Robinson, AF Fuchs, T Brandt, U Büttner, D Zee (eds) Stuttgart: Thieme, pp 336-338


·        Straumann D, Zee DS, Solomon D, Lasker AG, and Roberts D (1995) Transient torsion during and after saccades. Vision Res 35: 3321-3334


·        Straumann D, Zee DS, Solomon D, Kramer PD (1996) Validity of Listing’s law during fixations, saccades, smooth pursuit eye movements, and blinks. Exp Brain Res 112: 135-146


·        Böhmer A, Straumann D, Fetter M (1997) Three-dimensional analysis of spontaneous nystagmus in peripheral vestibular lesions. Ann Oto Rhinol Laryngol 106: 61-68


·        Böhmer A, Straumann D (1998) Pathomechanism of mammalian downbeat nystagmus due to cerebellar lesion - a simple hypothesis. Neurosci Lett 250: 127-130

·        Guyton DL, Cheeseman EW, Ellis FJ, Straumann D, Zee DS (1998) Dissociated vertical deviation: an exaggerated normal eye movement used to damp cyclovertical latent nystagmus. Tr Am Ophth Soc 96: 389-429


·        Suzuki Y, Straumann D, Simpson JI, Hepp K, Hess BJM, Henn V (1999) Three-dimensional extraocular motoneuron innervation in the Rhesus monkey - I. Muscle rotation axes and on-directions during fixation. Exp Brain Res 126: 187-199

·        Palla A, Straumann D, Obzina H (1999) Eye position dependence of three-dimensional ocular rotation axis orientation during head impulses in humans. Exp Brain Res 129: 127-133

·        Minor LB, Haslwanter T, Straumann D, Zee DS (1999) Hyperventilation-induced nystagmus in patients with vestibular Schwannoma. Neurology 53: 2158-2168

·        Schmid-Priscoveanu A, Straumann D, Böhmer A, Obzina H (1999) Vestibulo-ocular responses during static head roll and three-dimensional head impulses after vestibular neuritis. Acta Otolaryngol 119: 750-757

·        Straumann D (1999) In memoriam Volker Henn 1943-1997. J Vest Res 9: 155


·        Straumann D, Zee DS, Solomon D (2000) Three-dimensional kinematics of ocular drift in humans with cerebellar atrophy. J Neurophysiol, 83: 1125-1140

·        Lee C, Zee DS, Straumann D (2000) Saccades from torsional offset positions back to Listing’s plane. J Neurophysiol, 83: 3241-3253

·        Schmid-Priscoveanu A, Straumann D, Kori AA (2000) Torsional vestibulo-ocular reflex during whole-body oscillation in upright and supine position I. Responses in healthy human subjects. Exp Brain Res 134: 212-219

·        Suzuki Y, Straumann D, Henn V (2000) Effects of alertness on three-dimensional eye movements. Jpn J Ophthalmol 44: 457-462


·        Kori AA, Schmid-Priscoveanu A, Straumann D (2001) Vertical divergence and counterroll eye movements evoked by whole-body position steps about the roll axis of the head in humans. J Neurophysiol 85: 671–678

·        Bergamin O, Zee DS, Roberts DC, Landau K, Lasker AG, Straumann D (2001) Three-dimensional Hess screen test with binocular dual search coils in a three-field magnetic system. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 42: 660-667

·        Bergamin O, Straumann D (2001) Three-dimensional binocular kinematics of torsional vestibular nystagmus during convergence on head-fixed targets in humans. J Neurophysiol 86: 113–122

·        Scherberger H, Cabungcal JH, Hepp K, Suzuki Y, Straumann D, Henn V (2001) Ocular counterroll modulates the preferred direction of saccade-related pontine burst neurons in the monkey. J Neurophysiol 86: 935–949

·        Straumann D, Haslwanter T (2001) Ocular motor disorders. Curr Opin Neurol 14: 5-10

·        Schmid-Priscoveanu A, Böhmer A, Obzina H, Straumann D (2001) Caloric and search-coil head impulse testing in patients after vestibular neuritis. J Ass Res Otolaryngol 2: 72-78

·        Straumann D (2001) Der neuro-otologische Kurzstatus in der Praxis und dessen Interpretation. Praxis 90:1819-1824


·        Straumann D, Müri R, Hess K (2002) Neuro-Otologie. In: Hess K et al. (eds.) Neurologie-Kompendium. Huber, Bern

·        Straumann D (2002) Efferente Neuroophthalmologie (Okulomotorik). In: Hess K et al. (eds.) Neurologie-Kompendium. Huber, Bern

·        Palla A, Straumann D (2002) Neurological evaluation of acute vertical diplopia. Schweiz Arch Neurol Psychiatr 153: 180-4

·        Kori AA,  Schmid-Priscoveanu A, Straumann D (2002) Otolith effect on torsional quick phases of vestibular nystagmus in humans. Ann NY Acad Sci 956: 572-573

·        Bergamin O, Bizzarri S, Straumann D (2002) Ocular torsion during voluntary blinks in humans. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci: 3438–3443

·        Marti S, Palla A, Straumann D (2002) Gravity-dependence of ocular drift in patients with cerebellar downbeat nystagmus. Ann Neurol 52: 712–721


·        Bockisch JC, Straumann D, Haslwanter T (2003) Eye movements during multi-axis whole-body rotations. J Neurophysiol 89: 355–366

·        Straumann D (2003) Der schleichende Abstieg des Gesundheitswesens in der Schweiz. Bulletin der Vereinigung Schweizerischer Hochschuldozenten 29 (2/3): 42-45

·        Yakushin SB, Palla A, Haslwanter T, Bockisch CJ, Straumann D. (2003) Gravity-dependent adaptation of the human vertical angular vestibulo-ocular reflex. Exp Brain Res 152:137-142

·        Solomon D, Zee DS, Straumann D (2003) Torsional and horizontal vestibular ocular reflex adaptation: three-dimensional eye movement analysis. Exp Brain Res, 152:150-155

·        Straumann D, Steffen H, Landau K, Bergamin O, Mudgil AV, Walker MF, Guyton DL, Zee DS (2003) Primary position and Listing’s law in acquired and congenital trochlear nerve palsy. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 44: 4282-4292

·        Frohman TC, Frohman EM, O'Suilleabhain P, Salter A, Dewey RB Jr, Hogan N,  Galetta S, Lee AG, Straumann D, Noseworthy J, Zee DS, Corbett J, Corboy J, Rivera VM, Kramer PD (2003) Accuracy of clinical detection of INO in MS: Corroboration with quantitative infrared oculography. Neurology 61:848–850

·        Jarchow T, Wirz M, Haslwanter T, Dietz V, Straumann D (2003) Perceived horizontal body position in healthy and paraplegic subjects: effect of centrifugation. J Neurophysiol 90: 2973–2977

·        Palla A, Widmer U, Straumann D (2003) Head-impulse testing in Fabry disease – vestibular function in male and female patients. Acta Paediatr Suppl 443: 38-42

·        Weber KP, Palla A, Landau K, Haslwanter T, Straumann D (2003) Incomitance of ocular roation axes in trochlear nerve palsy. Ann NY Acad Sci 1004: 347-351

·        Marti S, Palla A, Straumann D (2003) Barbecue whole-body position modulates cerebellar downbeat nystagmus. Ann NY Acad Sci 1004: 490-491


·        Bergamin O, Ramat S, Straumann D, Zee DS (2004) Influence of orientation of exiting wire of search coil annulus on torsion after saccades. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 45: 131-137

·        Weber KP, Landau K, Palla A, Haslwanter T, Straumann D (2004) Ocular rotation axes during dynamic Bielschowsky head-tilt testing in unilateral trochlear nerve palsy. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci: 45: 455-65

·        Straube A, Leigh RJ, Bronstein A, Heide W, Riordan-Eva P, Tijssen CC, Dehaene I, Straumann D (2004) EFNS task force - therapy of nystagmus and oscillopsia. Eur J Neurol 11: 83-89

·        Helmchen C, Sprenger A, Rambold H, Sander T, Kömpf D, Straumann D (2004) Effect of 3,4-diaminopyridine on the gravity dependence of ocular drift in downbeat nystagmus. Neurology 63: 752-753

·        Schmid-Priscoveanu A, Kori AA, Straumann D (2004) Torsional vestibulo-ocular reflex during whole-body oscillation in the upright and the supine position: II. Responses in patients after vestibular neuritis. J Vest Res, 14: 353-359

·        Straumann D (2004) Schwindel in der Praxis. Hospitalis 74: 255-262

·        Bockisch CJ, Straumann D, Hess K, Haslwanter T (2004) Enhanced smooth pursuit eye movements in patients with bilateral vestibular deficits. Neuroreport 15: 2617-20


·        Marti S, Bockisch CJ, Straumann D (2005) Prolonged asymmetric smooth pursuit stimulation leads to downbeat nystagmus in healthy human subjects. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 46: 143-149

·        Palla A, Marti S, Straumann D (2005) Head-shaking nystagmus depends on gravity. J Ass Res Otolaryngol 6: 1-8

·        Ramat S, Straumann D, Zee DS (2005) The interaural translational VOR: suppression, enhancement and cognitive control. J Neurophysiol 94: 2391–2402

·        Palla A, Bockisch CJ, Bergamin O, Straumann D (2005) Residual torsion following ocular counterroll. Ann NY Acad Sci 1039, 81-87

·        Marti S, Straumann D, Glasauer S (2005) The origin of downbeat nystagmus: an asymmetry in the distribution of on-directions of vertical gaze-velocity Purkinje cells. Ann NY Acad Sci 1039, 548-553

·        Ramat S, Straumann D (eds.) (2005) A tribute to David S. Zee. In: Ramat S, Straumann D (eds.), Clinical and Basic Oculomotor Research. Ann NY Acad Sci, volume  1039



·        Palla A, Bockisch CJ, Bergamin O, Straumann D (2006) Dissociated hysteresis of static ocular counterroll in humans. J Neurophysiol 95 : 2222-2232

·        Marti S, Bockisch CJ, Straumann Dominik (2006) Asymmetric and symmetric and short-term adaptation of the vertical VOR in humans. Exp Brain Res: 172: 343-350

·        Ishihara H, Bjeljac M, Straumann D, Kaku Y, Roth P, Yonekawa Y (2006) The role of intraoperative monitoring of oculomotor and trochlear nuclei -safe entry zone to tegmental lesions. Minim Invasive Neurosurg 49: 168-172

·        Sprenger A, Rambold H, Sander T, Marti S, Weber K, Straumann D, Helmchen C (2006) Treatment of the gravity-dependence of downbeat nystagmus with 3,4-diaminopyridine. Neurology 67: 905-907

·        Gassmann NB, Hegemann S, Straumann D (2006) Kalorik und quantitativer Kopfimpulstest (KIT) im Vergleich. Schweiz Med Forum 6 (Suppl 29): 134S-135S

·        Hegemann S, Rufer M, Straumann D (2006) Schwindel und Gleichgewichtsstörungen als interdisziplinäre Herausforderung. Neurology.ch 2006;3:1-4


·        Tarnutzer AA, Ramat S, Straumann D, Zee DS (2007) Pursuit responses to target steps during ongoing tracking. J Neurophysiol 97: 1266-79

·        Straumann D (2007) Disconjugate eye movements. Dev Ophthalmol  40: 90–109

·        Steffen H, Straumann D, Walker MF, Miller NR, Guyton DL, Repka MX, Zee DS (2007) Torsion in patients with superior oblique palsies: dynamic torsion during saccades and changes in Listing's plane. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol, epub ahead of print

·        Marques B, Colombo G, Müller R, Dürsteler MR, Dietz V, Straumann D (2007) Influence of vestibular and visual stimulation on split-belt walking. Exp Brain Res 183: 457-463

·        Straumann D (2007) Die Bedeutung der Primatenforschung für die klinische Neurologie. BioFokus 75: 8-10

·        Palla A, Hegemann S, Widmer U, Straumann D (2007) Vestibular and auditory deficits in Fabry disease and their response to enzyme replacement therapy. J Neurol 254: 1433-1442

·        Hegemann S, Straumann D, Bockisch CJ (2007) Alexander’s law in patients with acute vestibular tone asymmetry - evidence for multiple horizontal neural integrators. J Ass Res Otolaryngol 8: 551-561

·        Jorns-Häderli M, Straumann D, Palla A (2007) Accuracy of the bedside head impulse test in detecting vestibular hypofunction. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 78: 1113-1118


·        Mosso M, Schmid-Priscoveanu A, Straumann D, Baumgartner RW (2007) Absence of gravity-dependent modulation of straight sinus flow velocity in healthy humans. Ultrasound Med Biol, epub ahead of print